Chi-Chun Lee (Jeremy) is a Professor and Associate Chair at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan, as well as the Director of NVIDIA Corporation · National Tsing Hua University Joint Innovation Center. He received his B.S. degree (magna cum laude) and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering under supervision of Prof. Shri Narayanan from the University of Southern California (USC), USA in 2007 and 2012. He was a data scientist at id:a lab at the ID Analytics in 2013. He is the director of the BIIC lab at NTHU. He also serves as a technical consultant for E.Sun Bank (玉山銀行) (2020-2022), Allianz Taiwan (安聯人壽) (2021-2023), and KYEC (京元電子) (2025-2026).
His research interests are in speech and language, affective computing, health analytics, and behavior signal processing. He is an IEEE senior member and a ACM and ISCA member. He is an associate editor for the IEEE Transaction on Audio Speech and Language (2025-), the IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing (2020-2024), the IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (2019-2020), the Journal of Computer Speech and Language (2021-), APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (2022-2024). He is a TPC member for APSIPA IVM and MLDA committee. He serves as an general chair for IEEE ASRU 2023, an area chair for INTERSPEECH 2016, 2018, 2019, senior program committee for ACII 2017, 2019, publicity chair for ACM ICMI 2018, late breaking result chair for ACM ICMI 2023, sponsorship and special session chair for ISCSLP 2018, 2020, and a guest editor in Journal of Computer Speech and Language on special issue of Speech and Language Processing for Behavioral and Mental Health. He led a team to the 1st place in Emotion Challenge in INTERSPEECH 2009, and with his students won the 1st place in Styrian Dialect and Baby Sound subchallenge in INTERSPEECH 2019. He is a coauthor on the best paper award/finalist in INTERSPEECH 2008, INTERSPEECH 2010, IEEE EMBC 2018, INTERSPEECH 2018, IEEE EMBC 2019, APSIPA ASC 2019, IEEE EMBC 2020, and the most cited paper published in 2013 in Journal of Speech Communication.
He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Sigma Xi. He is the recipient of the 2024 NTHU-Novatek Distinguished Talent Chair (2025) (國立清華大學:113 年清華-聯詠傑出人才講座), the 112 National Science and Technology Council's Outstanding Research Award (2023) (國家科學與技術委員會:傑出研究獎), the 8th Foundation of Outstanding Scholar's Young Innovator Award (2021) (傑出人才基金會:年輕學者創新獎), the 109 CIEE Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award (2020) (中國電機工程學會:優秀青年電機工程師獎), the 2023 IICM K. T. Li Cornerstone Award (2024) and 2020 Young Researcher Award (2020) (中華民國資訊學會:2023 李國鼎磐石獎& 2020 李國鼎青年研究獎), the 2024 NTHU Tsing Hua Talent Development Fund Outstanding Research Award (2024) (國立清華大學:傑出人才發展基金-傑出研究獎), the 2020 & 2022 NTHU Industry Collaboration Excellence Award (2021, 2023) (國立清華大學:產學合作績優獎), the 112 NTHU Outstanding Industry Collaboration Award (2023) (國立清華大學:傑出產學研究獎), the 2018 & 2019 MOST Futuretek Breakthrough Award (科技部:未來科技突破獎), the 2019 & 2021 Merry Electroacoustics Thesis Award, the MediaTek Geniusforhome Special Prize Award (top 10 team), and the USC Annenberg Fellowship (2007-2009). His team is selected as one of the 40 Taiwan Tech Star to exhibit in 2019 CES Eureka Park. He is the PI of the MOST AI Grant, and he cofounds the startup AHEAD Medicine. His lab's research has been featured in Discovery, Scientific America, Business Today, Technews, Digitimes, and major news outlet in Taiwan.